I decided to use this area to work out my thoughts about painting, art & life in general. Why am I so tentative right now? When I speak & paint I am almost completely without discretion (often to my disadvantage) but I'm writing this and I'm already imagining you reading it and I have no idea who you are or how you are...well, how are you? Who are you?
Wait- perhaps we are getting ahead of ourselves. I made an alarming discovery a few nights ago. Coffee in my system does not assist me in painting, and this is a terrible thing for me to learn because I am very happy with my addiction. I pour coffee into me until my brain feels light (and um, stimulated) and then my eyes are roaming all around and I know I am ready to begin something. But it's hard to keep a steady hand. It's hard to keep a steady train of thought regardless of what's in my system or where I am going with this.
My paintings have begun to pile up like bodies. This is really what they look like to me. I feel like they have an existence independent of me, and keeping them here in my hole of a dwelling is almost like keeping them tied up in my basement. I don't think they belong to me, when I bring them out to sell it seems like I'm just waiting for whoever they belong to to show up and claim them.

The paintings are not what are important to me. The process of painting is my involvement. Internal monologues streams through me, in words and in shapes and diagrams. I carry on somewhat fictional conversations with flat two dimensional peoples of whose existence I am in much of question of as my own. I think these people were alive, are alive, and that death is a part of their life that they know much more of than I do.
only when in motion am i really free thinking. Painting is still-however reforming a captured light from its fleeting motion. Images you see that perhaps do in deed exist-- you the creator or perhaps the observer just the same. the brain does capture behavior records it and then repeats it, loops perhaps the still ness is for me the proof of repeated existance, but what proof do we really need to know that those people 2dimensional or not express a dialogue thats been happening throughout these carnal years.
ive been recording paranoid savage futures of people, then rewarded by the presence of a still reality, still in the only sense that more thoughts cease being the angry eater of a fine day.
I like the monkey in the corner, the candle to the side the fancied in the forefront. --kass
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